Healing the future
Welcome to some guidance form my guide team – The awakening as this world Covid-19 virus event is being called is going to change earth and the way we heal our selves and Mother Earth creating a New Earth frequency. This event is going to trigger a chain of events on earth over the next …. Read More
Introducing song crystals
We are delight to welcome The book ‘Something in the water Song-crystals’ to book shelve by by Rainer Niederkofler & Katalin Peli. Here is a brief description of the book from the authors themselves. “How can you make music visible?” Perhaps you will find a few answers to this question between the covers of this …. Read More
Create a new world
I came a cross this that my guides channeled last year – thought I would share with you all x Create a new world There lies in all of you layers of light and each layer gives you insight into what you seek. For those who have clouded minds the light is shadowed by deep-rooted …. Read More
What are dimensions?
Guidance from my guides: I have been asked many times what is a dimension so my guides wanted to add this knowledge for you. Well it is a word given to humanity by your ascension guides to help you understand the layers of energy of existence in the universe. Laid out below is our translation …. Read More
Hello all here is some guidance from Sharon guides on the emotion grief. Grief has layers of emotions that are energy, there are many facets to this. They ask you to remember you are all individuals and grief many have a similar pattern structure, you are all unique to how you deal with it. Humans …. Read More
Lightworkers please ask your guides for attunement to the NEW EARTH frequencies
Message from Sharon’s Guide John – calling all lightworkers, your guides seek you to sit in the quiet so they can attune you to the New Earth energies. Earth’s energies always flicker and change in subtle ways, but with this new awakening she is experiencing big dimensional shifts. Due to less pollution at the moment …. Read More
Introducing Lorna Hedges from Ray of Light
It is wonderful to introduce Lorna to you who I have had the privilege of meeting My name is Lorna, I have been open to spirit for as long as I can remember, having many scary times growing up seeing things which I could not explain and no one to talk it over with, I …. Read More
Be ready light workers you are going to be busy
Message from Sharon’s guides – Part of the healing process we all seek for earth is for humanity to learn to let the EGO go. The Ego is the energy fueling the need of power over each over, the materialistic jealousy and the selfish existence of culture hate. When humanity realises this is no longer …. Read More
The souls transitions
A message from Sharon’s guides – The soul when it incarnates into the human form goes through various stages of transition. The soul is always connected to the higher self, all your souls origins vary but the connection process is the same. In the moment of ordained transition to the human fetus the soul is …. Read More
Heal Mother Earth world wide meditation and guidance – 7pm 30/4/2020
Every Thursday Sharon holds a mediation session and guidance from her spirit team. It starts at 7pm- 7.45 pm meditation at 7.15https://www.facebook.com/sharon.barbour.92 She feels live energy healing shares are a wonderful to help raise the energies and sending healing to our world. She will do a healing meditation then there can be discussion on how …. Read More