Once upon a time…
Once upon a time Mother Earth was a pure light vibrational five-dimensional planet. But her story has unfolded so Earth now resides in this dimensional existence of heavier negative 3D dimensional energy. There was a time when she did not have the heavy negative thought energy of humans dragging her down. Mother Earth cry’s out …. Read More
The Architects – are you a leader of twelve?
The architect overseers of Earth’s awakening, work with many ascension species that have formed alliances with them. Many light workers who have been on the path for a few of your Earth years, are now merging with other light workers energies. These are higher self/souls that have been part of ancient times plans and have …. Read More
Our mission is to change the human perspective
Channeled from my Pleiadean guide named Kyaserial We bring you this guidance about the human perspective from our high dimensional perspective of the human race. Humanity that lives on Earth lives in a 3D matrix of vibrational frequency that is heavier than say the high frequency dimensional existence we are channeling from. Mother Earth has …. Read More
Let the light in – are you a leader of the light?
A must-read channeled guidance to understand humanities ascension process, channeled from my Pleiadean guide named Kyaserial Earth is in the process of an awakening unlike any other humanity has ever experienced on Earth. When a civilization struggles to reach its full potential because its people cannot work in unity, it will eventually self-destruct, taking the …. Read More
There should be no price tag to LOVE
A message from my Pleiadian guide Casmeran x As you all know not much seems to be FREE in humanities restrictive three dimensional material existence, even love. You might question this statement, but many broken humans use love as a ransom for getting what they want out of life. The prime example of this we …. Read More
If you want your world to survive let your children thrive
A few words from my guides x Your worlds children should be at the forefront of every decision you make in your life’s. But while you try to do this, you have to be who you truly should be in your Earth’s life time. So it is a case of creating a balance of being …. Read More
The six sense
When we say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it is not just the physical body it is the soul that shines the beauty as well. You use all your five senses to make these conclusions that influence your decisions. When you master seeing, smell, taste, listening and touch you can then master …. Read More
Finding Harmony
Came across this today my guide channeled about three years ago, thought I would share x Harmony lies within you like a flower bud waiting to open, it waits to be released on your earth life’s path. When the flower blooms the pollen is released and will swirl round you, cocooning and protecting you from …. Read More
The journey of a channeler and writer
First of all I would like to thank all of those that have supported me on my writing journey. I thought I would share my journey with you to help and inspire others. My writing journey with my spirit guides started in 2013. I had been doing inspired writing for a few years up to …. Read More
Earth Angels walk among us
These words were inspired by spirit written for a lady called Katherine Conner, she is an Earth Angel and runs Bles Sanctuary for elephants https://www.facebook.com/BLESelephants/ The words from guides reflected the rescue of an elephant and the pain these elephants suffer in mind and body. Also how humanity should reset them selves and treat all …. Read More